Current Wabash County Council member, Lorissa Sweet, announces candidacy for Indiana State Representative of District 50

For Immediate Release:
Contact: Friends of Lorissa Sweet
Address: PO Box 197, Somerset, IN 46984
BREAKING: Small Business Owner and Councilwoman Announces Candidacy for Indiana House District 50
WABASH - Lorissa Sweet announces she will be running for State Representative in the Indiana House for District 50. The new district now represents Huntington County and all of Wabash County, except Pleasant Township. It also covers Jackson Township in Miami County and Jackson Township in Wells County.
Sweet is a small business owner and member of the Wabash County Council. She said her experiences as a business owner and councilwoman have opened her eyes to the needs at a local level that need to be addressed at the State House. Sweet stated,
“Small, rural counties do not have the same needs as metropolitan districts and we deserve representation.”
A constitutional conservative, Sweet declares it is past time to reign in government overreach, unconstitutional edicts, and mandates. The councilwoman believes it is time to return the power back to “We the People.”
“I will fight for your right to make decisions concerning the health of you and your family, your children’s education, and your ability to work and worship unhindered,” Sweet said.
Sweet vows to defend and uphold the Constitution and pledges to fight to preserve rights and freedoms for future generations. She says this includes the right to bear arms and protect yourself and others.
The sanctity of life is also important to Sweet. She stated,
“Life begins at conception. Our children are our future and need protected. It is our responsibility to protect the most vulnerable among us, no matter the age.”
As a member of the fiscal body of the county, Sweet pledges to use her budgeting experience at the state level to reduce wasteful spending, balance the budget, and lower or eliminate some of the tax burden on Hoosiers.
When asked why Sweet seeks this position, she replied,
“As a mother, and one day grandmother, my hope is to preserve our rights and freedoms for the future generations and leave things better than they are currently. It’s my duty to fight for my children, their future, and the lives I want to leave them!”